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Consultations & Referrals

Family Consultations and Referrals

“. . . the Learning Lab and your expertise is definitely a very valuable community resource. Thank you all for the caring and professional way that you helped me with my wife’s wandering behavior. I have recommended your laboratory to a number of people whose loved ones are suffering cognitive impairments.”  Paul G.

The Learning Lab enthusiastically welcomes adults 65 and older to sit down with staff to discuss their individual situation and talk through a decision-making process for use of technology that may offer some helpful solutions. Family members, friends and any others in the care group are also welcome to join the discussion. Occasionally Lab staff recommends that additional professional opinions would be helpful. In those cases, we may suggest that an occupational therapist, physical therapist, hearing or vision specialist, assistive technology specialist or other provider be included in the conversation. Staff can make referrals if the older adult and family decide to move forward with one or more technologies. These individualized meetings are free-of-charge.  A pre-scheduled appointment is recommended so that appropriate staff can be present.

To schedule, please contact Lynn Taylor, 612-843-6790. Be sure to mention any accommodations needed for the meeting.